Thursday, December 3, 2009

Throw it Up for your Home Team

Listen I know the Patriots got decimated their last game and whatever but hey its the game and i didn't want to post this, but i'm so passionate about New England/Boston sports teams that I've got to throw it up for my home team. I moved to the good ol U.S end of 1996 top of the year 1997 and my dad instantly introduced me to the game of football and being in Worcester it was inevitably the Patriots of New England. It was January so it was playoff time and the atmosphere was so new to me I remember mostly how people where excited when we beat the Jags to get into the Superbowl against Brett, Reggie and Mr. Desmond fn Howard. When the Superbowl came along i did not understand the magnitude of the game and was thinking there was going to be another game the next week. I remember going to school that week and teachers looking like their cars got stolen lol. But through the following years I learned and started loving the game through watching the Pats every Sunday with my dad and we all know what they've done since then. So I just felt like throwing it up for my home team

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