Friday, August 20, 2010

Formal Friday

Ahh fall is around the corner and summer is in its final act; now I'm not fickle about the seasons but you've got to love the transition seasons of Autumn and Spring. They are comfortable and offer a change of pace before the cold of the winter and the dog days of summer each in their own way giving you time time to prepare. Fall gives you moderately warm days and chilly nights which mean clothing has to adhere to that, you can rock your shorts during the day but the small coats and sweaters get some action at night before you have to dig deeper into the closet and pull out the heavy duty coat. But before you get that far into the closet you might come across say a tweed sports coat for your night out. Now tweed is like a thick cloth which is different patter of wool weaved together which make a thicker sports jacket than your typical one making it perfect for a cooler night. The use of tweed goes way back so the material has been used in many ways in different cultures and used formally and casually since being used by the Scottish as camouflage for hunting. I remember having a coat made from tweed as a kid which was a hand me down from my father and it made me itch like hell but today's material is less itchy more comfortable and more patterns. With today's fashion a tweed sports coat can be worn casually and formally but always give that distinguished look meets run on the town and is a different take on the sports jacket because it offers more patterns which in turn can create a unique look.

Watch Vic Reeves (a british actor/comedian) gets to make his own tweed material out on the British Isles of Harris where they've been making the famous Harris Tweed for years.

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